


        Gordon Scott has been an active investor and technical analyst for over 20 years. He is a Certified Market Technician (CMT).
        Artificial intelligence (AI) technology allows computers and machines to imitate human intelligence and solve problems. The ideal characteristic of artificial intelligence is its ability to rationalize and take action to achieve specific goals. Artificial intelligence research began in the 1950s and was used by the US Department of Defense in the 1960s, when it trained computers to imitate human thinking.
       A subset of artificial intelligence is machine learning (ML), a concept in which computer programs automatically learn and adapt to new data without human assistance.
        Artificial intelligence often resembles the implementation of robots. As technology advances, the previous criteria that defined artificial intelligence become obsolete. Technologies supporting artificial intelligence include:
       Algorithms often play a role in the design of artificial intelligence: simple algorithms are used for simple applications, and more complex algorithms help create powerful artificial intelligence.
        Narrow AI: Also known as weak AI. It is a system designed to do a specific job. Weak artificial intelligence systems include video games and personal assistants such as Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri. Users ask questions to the assistant, and the assistant answers them for you.
        Artificial general intelligence: This type involves powerful artificial intelligence systems that can perform human-like tasks. They tend to be more complex and can be found in applications such as self-driving cars or hospital operating rooms.
        Super artificial intelligence is a strictly theoretical artificial intelligence that has not yet been implemented. Super artificial intelligence can think, reason, learn, and have cognitive abilities that are superior to humans.
       Artificial intelligence can be used in many sectors and industries, including healthcare, to recommend drug dosages, determine treatments, and assist with surgical procedures in the operating room.
        Other examples of artificially intelligent machines include chess-playing computers and self-driving cars. Artificial intelligence is finding applications in the financial industry, where it can detect and signal fraudulent banking activities. Artificial intelligence applications can help streamline transactions and make them easier.
        In 2022, artificial intelligence will enter the mainstream with the use of generative pre-learners. The most popular applications are the text-to-image tool DALL-E from OpenAI and ChatGPT. According to a 2024 Deloitte survey, 79% of AI industry leader respondents expect generative AI to transform their organizations by 2027.
        Reactive AI is a type of narrow AI that uses algorithms to optimize output based on a set of input data. For example, an AI playing chess is a reactive system that optimizes the best strategy to win the game. Reactive AI tends to be quite static and unable to learn or adapt to new situations.
        Many people are concerned about how artificial intelligence will affect human employment. As many industries look to automate certain tasks with smart machines, there are concerns that workers will be pushed out of the workforce. Self-driving cars could eliminate the need for taxis and car-sharing programs, while manufacturers could easily replace people with machines, making human skills obsolete.
        In healthcare settings, artificial intelligence is being used to assist in diagnosis. Artificial intelligence can detect tiny abnormalities in scans to make better diagnoses based on a patient’s symptoms and vital signs. AI can classify patients, maintain and track medical records, and process health insurance claims.
        Artificial intelligence (AI) is an emerging technology that attempts to use machines to imitate human intelligence. Artificial intelligence covers various fields, including machine learning (ML) and deep learning, which enable systems to learn and adapt from training data in new ways. It is widely used in many industries, including healthcare, finance and transportation. While AI brings significant advances, it also raises issues of ethics, privacy, and employment.

Post time: Jun-25-2024